WinStation\Desktop Heap Size(KB) Used Rate(%) ------------------------------------------------------------- WinSta0\Default 3072 34.2 WinSta0\Disconnect 64 4.5 WinSta0\Winlogon 128 11.8 Service-0x0-3e7$\Default 512 45.4 Service-0x0-3e4$\Default 512 9.5 Service-0x0-3e5$\Default 512 4.3
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/171890/en-us によると、Non-Interactiveなデスクトップ情報のウィンドウステーション(Windowstation)の後半部分、0xで始まるところは、ログオンSIDだそうで。
two services that are running in the same security context (same service account name) will not receive the same Window station and Desktop because Logon Security Identifier's(SID) are unique to that logon session.
「will not receive the same Window station..」ん?なんかおかしくない??